Giving Back

We love medical recruitment and having a positive impact on peoples’ careers, but our purpose transcends well beyond office doors.

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As a socially aware organisation, we are committed to environmental and social causes and making a difference wherever we can. We have committed to donating a percentage of our profits as well as our time to the following charities on an ongoing basis.

Sea Shepherd Worker At Ocean Near Large Boat

Salt Medical Recruitment proudly supports the international marine conservation non-profit organisation, Sea Shepherd. Sea Shepherd’s mission is to protect defenceless marine wildlife and end the destruction of habitat in the world’s oceans. As a member of their Direct-Action Crew, we contribute to their campaigns to defend and conserve the delicately balanced biodiversity of our oceans We also recruit doctors for them – contact us if you’re interested in working as a Sea Shepherd medic and finding out how you can make a difference!

The Clontarf Foundation exists to improve the education, life skills, self-esteem, and employment prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men. In the last 2 decades, the Foundation has grown to 131 academies and helped over 10,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students succeed in life. As proud supporters of the Clontarf Foundation our doctors have a unique opportunity to get involved – contact us to find out more!

Happy Child On A Bike Going Across A Bridge
Disposed Mask And Empty Can At The Bottom Of The Ocean

As plastic pollution continues to kill wildlife, devastate oceans and threaten the health of our planet, Take 3 For the Sea is building a global movement of people committed to their cause. Take 3 believes in simple actions to address complex problems. Take 3 pieces of rubbish with you when you leave the beach, waterway or…anywhere, and you will have made a difference. Through monthly contributions and beach clean-up campaigns,  Salt Medical Recruitment is proud to support Take 3 For Sea!

Our People, Our Champions

Today’s socially conscious workforce seeks a deeper sense of meaning beyond the day-to-day responsibilities of their job. 

So, in addition to our philanthropic pursuits, we give our employees regular opportunities to be champions of social and environmental causes.

This includes:

We want to empower our people to give back and do good!

Ready to change the world with us?

Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability

We have a strong connection to Earth and nature and believe in doing our bit for the planet. We are proud supporters of Australia’s proposed 2050 net-zero emissions target.

As our temperatures continue to rise, Australia faces significant challenges and time is of the essence. Extreme weather events such as heatwaves, bushfires, droughts and floods cause long-term health issues and have a negative economic and social impact.

Over the last decade, regional and rural areas – where many of our clients and doctors live and work – have suffered some of the worst impacts of climate change. The Australian healthcare industry is also a large contributor to climate change, making up approximately 7% of Australia’s national carbon footprint.

According to the Medical Journal of Australia, “the healthcare sector has an added responsibility to not only be part of the solution, but…urgently work to ensure it does not remain part of the problem”.

It’s important we work together to create change, so we encourage everyone in our network to support charitable organisations like Doctors for the Environment Australia or the Climate Council of Australia.

Learn more about how these organisations are taking action.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

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