- Nurse
- Registered Nurse
- General Practice
- Primary Care
- -NT
Medical/Surgical RN | Alice Springs
- $60-$79/hour base rate (depending on experience) + super + penalties
- Contracts available starting on 26th September to 6 weeks minimum
- FTE hours on a 7-day rotating roster (AM, PM, and Nights)
- Must have 2 years experience in Medical/Surgical nursing in an acute setting
- Cardiac competence is an added advantage
- Travel and accommodation provided
Alice Springs Hospital is a public hospital that serves the Central Australia region.. The hospital provides a range of services including Intensive Care, Maternity Services, Outpatients Clinic, Palliative Care, Renal Services, 24-hour Emergency Department, Rehabilitation Services, etc. It is also supported by Allied Health Services including Occupational Therapy, Speech Pathology, Pharmacy, and more.
Alice Springs serves as a gateway to many iconic natural attractions, such as Uluru (Ayers Rock) and Kata Tjuta (The Olgas). These rock formations are sacred sites for the local Indigenous people and are recognized as UNESCO World Heritage sites.
To apply or for more information, click APPLY or contact Kelly at 0249 671 947 or email [email protected].